You could have met me here:
International endometriosis video
Hungarian endometriosis video featuring members of our Facebook Group
Babainfo magazine, Hellobaby! magazine, Nők Lapja Psyché, Nők Lapja Health, Ridikül Magazine
Há lost tissues, broken souls
Hungarian Catholic Radio
Há Somatodrama: When I fake my tummy ache
Há What can we expect from animals when we are sick?
Secondary depression: who is affected and what can we do about it?
HOSPITAL PHARMACY Oxygen homeopathy: healing by touch
Felső Nóra Árvai: Endometriosis is a tough opponent, but not invincible!
Birth Week 2013, 2014, 2016 The Psychology of Conception (ea.), Endometriosis,
JaZZY Radio interview with Dr. Jazzy 2013.10.18. 19:00-20:00
Stahl Magazine Interview Autumn 2014 - My recovery story
What do we remember from our childhood?-
Is it easier to remember the very bad?-
Kossuth Radio
MPPPOT 12th Congress - Relationship with the baby who is difficult to conceive (ea.)
Maternity magazine
M1 Family and Home October 2015 - Lombik programme
M1, Duna Tv, Ridikül Why is the fombic programme taboo? 9 November 2015.
Ridikül Magazine 12 November 2015 - Alternatives to conception
Bee removal, "I've had my last period"
My presentation at the Hungarian Society of Sexual Medicine Medical Education Conference "Endometriosis and its impact on sexual life" Video:
Bükkszentkereszti Herbal Days 2016, 2017
Digital Family,
Róbert Károly Private Clinic World Endometriosis Day Conference
Channel Six Family Network Chronic Diseases and Time Management
Ridikül Women's self-esteem, make-up, appearance, self-confidence 2016.10.04.
Fejős Éva Magazine 2016/1 Child blessing in a different way
BabyWorld BabyPercek
Jósa András Museum Nyíregyháza Night of Museums 2017 - Women in the 21st century
PsychoforYou endometriosis interview
Népszava October 2017 About taboos
Dr Jazzy Endometriosis Interview on EndoBlog about Miracle Babies
NLC - COVID and pregnancy
NLC- Endometriosis
Family 20 Magazine Home office and Home Schooling
Íso keep your wits about you in quarantine! - interview
Post-holiday depression - Dunakanyar FM
Facts Plus - Men's emotion statement
Youtube channelm available HERE
Workaholism, causes and symptoms Dunakanyar FM
TV2 Facts - perinatal grief
Ridikül- It depends on a hair
Nosalty- Endometriosis Diet
Spektrum Home Advent Preparation- Christmas planning
Spektrum Home Advent Preparation- Ecome Christmas
Spektrum Home Advent Preparation- Christmas at a time of a crown virus
CsakaMentes!- Endometriosis diet tips for success
Spektrum Home Magazine interview Men in childcare
Spectrum Home Magazine- Stress and coping with chronic illness
NLC- Ointment and menstruation
Lifelong learning at the service of people with endometriosis interview
Spectrum Home Magazine- Agenda-setting in childhood and adulthood
Spectrum Home Magazine- The psychology of our home
NLC - Dr Google
NLC- Christmas compliance compulsion
Spektrum Home- The perfect gift
Adrienn Pintér Ada Postpartum depression interview
Pintér Adrien Ada Endometriosis interview
The page and the links will be continuously updated, thank you for your patience!

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